Top Switzerland Companies, Employee Reviews

Browse the top Switzerland companies. See reviews and salaries by employees working at the top Switzerland companies.

Top Switzerland Companies
Company Name Reviews Rating
Physicor 4
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Aqua-Spa-Resorts 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
The House Agency 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
kliqs Digital 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Privatklinik Lindberg 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Surval Montreux 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Mootral 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
ElectricFeel 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Novadoo 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
SAGA Placement 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Classtime 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
ISS Kanal Services 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
FC Champel 4
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Codeway 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Buxum 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
International Ice Hockey Federation 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Willi Moor 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Rudolf Keller & Partner Verkehrsingenieure 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Ital’China 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Myophysio 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
sublimmo 2
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Global Shapers Community 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
onefusion 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
TRANSCOM Informatik 4
4.3/5.0 5 stars
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Hilpert Electronics 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Google Summer of Code 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Carbagas 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Kinderschutz Schweiz 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Jasari Bauabdichtungen 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Exoscale 4
4.3/5.0 5 stars 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
NEWcruitment 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Hepa Gastro 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Lab4Tech 3
4.3/5.0 5 stars
Fondation Esprit Francophonie 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Christ & Gantenbein 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Hendrik Thurau Enterprises 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
LA Molardiere 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
4.6/5.0 5 stars
Mart Plan 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
GRIBI Bewirtschaftung 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
RG Emplois 3
4.3/5.0 5 stars
Union Horlogere 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
optrel 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Hive Power 3
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Brand Leadership Circle 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
acxias 2
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Bowling Switzerland 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Netskin 2
5.0/5.0 5 stars
GREEN Advisors 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
ZLD Avocats 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
ZSC Lions Eishockey 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Walter Bucherer 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Toptip Division der Coop 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Trade Marketing Intelligence 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Univerre Pro Uva 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
UPC Schweiz 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Eschqizada Homaiun, Tufan Mohamed et Tabibi Sayyed 3
4.3/5.0 5 stars
Soprintel 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Sunstar Hotels 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Simtec 2
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Swissmechanic 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Swiss Safety Center 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
swisspeace 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Gemeindeverwaltung 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Starling Hotel Geneva 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Stiftung 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
SMI Swiss Marketing Institute 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Sqs Software Quality Systems 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Spitalregion Rheintal Werdenberg Sarganserland 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Stadler Bussnang 4
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Sintron-Polymec 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
SIX Payment Services 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Schnitter Consulting 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Web3 Foundation 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Industrial Services Department 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Salzmann AG IED Engineering 3
4.3/5.0 5 stars
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Rapid Holding 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Restaurant 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Rino Weder 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
4.3/5.0 5 stars
S&P Clever Reinforcement Company 2
4.5/5.0 5 stars
Rahn+Bodmer 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Peerspoint 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
octane126 3
4.7/5.0 5 stars
Myflore 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
Niederhornbahn 2
4.0/5.0 5 stars
kailua 4
4.0/5.0 5 stars
5.0/5.0 5 stars
MT Robot 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Maurer + Salzmann 1
4.0/5.0 5 stars
Mc PaperLand 1
5.0/5.0 5 stars
1 2 3 29

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