Company Name: | Stadler Bussnang |
Founded: | Unknown |
Industry: | Unknown |
Size: | Unknown |
Type: | Company - Public |
Revenue: | Unknown / Non-Applicable per year |
A really friendly working environment with nice people. The clients are wonderful and a pleasure to work with. Probably the best business I have ever worked with.
Very friendly environment in the company. You are part of a team that really makes a difference. Good work culture.
Fantastic mission and dedicated frontline staff. Monday to friday job. Health Insurance after 8 months of employment.
Good ethic. Fast paced growing company, which means you grow with it. For new beginner can learn a lot things. has 4 reviews submitted anonymously by Stadler Bussnang employees.
See reviews from Stadler Bussnang employees about working, get insights about working, management, benefits, work-life balance and salaries by employees anonymously.
Company tags: Bussnang, Switzerland