Company Name: | TRANSCOM Informatik |
Founded: | Unknown |
Industry: | Unknown |
Size: | 1 to 50 employees |
Type: | Company - Public |
Revenue: | Unknown / Non-Applicable per year |
Fantastic mission and dedicated frontline staff. Very friendly environment in the company. Excellent training, and support, home office etc.
We work as a team. Can work from home. Benefits, and time off.
Nice and knowledgeable colleagues who are well respected in the market. Research focused, large amount of freedom. There was very inspiring senior leadership.
Great coworkers, and a great environment to work in. Commission scheme is ok. They only hire the best. has 4 reviews submitted anonymously by TRANSCOM Informatik employees.
See reviews from TRANSCOM Informatik employees about working, get insights about working, management, benefits, work-life balance and salaries by employees anonymously.
Company tags: Langendorf, Switzerland